
1 Sep 2022 - Launch of the Adept Route to CIC-Certified BIM Coordinators


The Adept Route to CIC-Certified BIM Coordinators is now opened for application. Practitioners who do not possess CIC-recognised academic qualification, but have the required work experience in the construction industry and practical experience in BIM project works, completed a CIC-Accredited BIM Coordinator Course and at least one BIM software/platform training course in operation level, are eligible to apply.


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15 Aug 2022 - Supplementary Guide on Preparing the Application for Certification as CCBM or CCBC


The Supplementary Guide on Preparing the Application for Certification as CCBM or CCBC is now available in the Downloads page.


The Supplementary Guide is to provide guidance to applicants for CCBM/CCBC for their preparation of application submissions and for interview assessments. Helpful tips and information are included in the guide for reference. It is highly recommended to applicants who are preparing the application submissions or the interview assessments of the CCBM/CCBC certifications.


You can also download the Supplementary Guide in the link below:

Supplementary guide

18 Oct 2021 - Application Fee and Renewal Fee


With effect from 1 January 2022, the application fee and renewal application fee will be revised as follows:


Certification of BIM Managers

Application fee: HK$2,000 HK$1,000 (Valid from 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2024)

Renewal application fee: HK$1,000 HK$500 (Valid from 1 January 2022)


Certification of BIM Coordinators

Application fee: HK$1,000 HK$500 (Valid from 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2024)

Renewal application fee: HK$500 HK$250 (Valid from 1 January 2022)

5 May 2021 - Application for Certification of BIM Coordinators


The processing time of Certification of BIM Coordinators will be adversely affected by a surge in applications received close to the expiry of the grace period/grandfathering of applications. We are trying our best to expedite the processing of applications and arrange more BIM Assessment Panels. Our case officer will contact applicants for submitting supplementary documents, if necessary, and inviting he/she to attend interview in due course, if necessary. Thank you for your patience.

You can review our recorded webinar on Certification of BIM Coordinators and Accreditation of BIM Coordinator Courses for details:


English Version


Chinese Version


You can review our recorded webinar on BIM Certification and Accreditation Schemes - Latest Updates, Tips and FAQ for details:

Chinese Version

31 Mar 2020 - Launch of Certification of BIM Coordinators and Accreditation of BIM Coordinator Courses by the CIC


The objectives of the Certification of BIM Coordinators are to:

  • Set standards and ensure relevant construction professionals and other personnel will have the appropriate skill levels and competency in using BIM technology to meet the industry's needs;
  • Align the skill levels and competency of BIM personnel with the industry's needs, CIC BIM Standards and Development Bureau’s requirements for BIM personnel; and
  • Uphold the quality of BIM personnel in meeting the industry's needs.


It is targeted at BIM practitioners who already have relevant practical experience in BIM projects, meet the relevant academic requirement and have completed a CIC-Accredited BIM Coordinator Course


The objectives of the Accreditation of BIM Coordinator Courses are to:

  • Ensure the scope and quality of the BIM training courses offered meet the industry's needs;
  • Uphold the accreditation quality of BIM training courses in meeting the industry's needs; and
  • Facilitate practitioners to obtain certification by the CIC.


It is targeted at course providers who are offering or are going to offer BIM Coordinator Courses.


The Certification of BIM Coordinators and Accreditation of BIM Coordinator Courses are now open for application.


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A "Roadmap for Building Information Modelling (BIM) Strategic Implementation in Hong Kong's Construction Industry" was prepared by the Working Group on Roadmap for BIM Implementation under the then Committee on Environment and Technology of the Construction Industry Council (CIC) in 2014. One of the key initiatives in the Roadmap was to expedite the building up of BIM capacity and capability.

In 2017, the HKSAR Government decreed that BIM technology must be used in the design and construction of all major government capital works projects with a project estimate of more than HK$30 million that were scheduled to start during or after 2018, and that the use of this technology in private construction projects should also be promoted. This has generated a surge in demand for BIM personnel and training needs.

To ensure that construction professionals have appropriate skill levels and competency in using BIM technology, and that the scope and quality of BIM courses provided in the market meet the requirements, it was important to establish a certification body for BIM personnel and an accreditation body for BIM training courses in Hong Kong.


To facilitate the healthy development of BIM in Hong Kong, CIC has introduced the BIM Certification and Accreditation Schemes to ascertain the competency of BIM personnel and the quality of local BIM training courses.

"CIC BIM Certification and Accreditation Schemes" Promotion Video