Building Information Modelling Certification and Accreditation Board

Chairperson - Ar. Marvin CHEN


  • Director-Industry Development, CIC
  • Representative from the Development Bureau
  • Representative from the Hong Kong Institute of Architects
  • Representative from the Hong Kong Institute of Engineers
  • Representative from the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors
  • Representative from the Hong Kong Institute of Building Information Modelling


Terms of Reference

  1. To steer the implementation of the BIM Certification and Accreditation Schemes (the Schemes) of CIC, including the scope, quality of personnel and training courses, and the rules and regulations applied;
  2. To set up its operational framework and approve the members of the BIM Assessment Panels (BIMAPs);
  3. To review the efficacy of the Schemes, taking into account the advice provided by BIMAPs, in facilitating the industry in adoption of BIM technology;
  4. To report to the Council on the operation of the Schemes;
  5. To approve/disapprove the assessment of the applications recommended by BIMAPs;
  6. To decide on all matters relating to the policy and operation of the Schemes as and when required, subject to the Council’s ultimate decision; and
  7. To arrange a BIMAP for reassessment of an application as requested by the BIM Appeal Board (BIMAB).

Last Update: 2024-05-09 16:11:23