Rebar Design Optimization and Prefabrication Automation Leveraging BIM Technology |
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06/2020 |
Tobias Cheuk Toa CHEUNG |
Steel reinforced concrete building structure is very common among Hong Kong. Cost estimation is an important part during the preparation process for a construction project. Nowadays in Hong Kong, the contractor use lots of time in this stage while some mistake may occur as the process is done manually. To reduce error and shorten cost estimation time, design optimization and prefabrication automation leveraging should be considered. This project aims to complete the two objectives by using Building Information Modeling and Dynamo. After the design, the moment envelope generated by ETABS should be extract and input for designing the structural components. When the design of structural component, coding in Dynamo should be able to calculate the construction cost estimation for the building. Construction joint, continuity of rebar and the matching of rebar should be considered and build a bar bending schedule.
This project will go through the reviewing of site solution for solving some common problems. After that, some algorithm will be review to check whether it suitable for solving the problem mathematically. At last, application of graph theory in python 3 is finished and full bin packing algorithm in python is finished for rebar matching to reduce material cost. Suggestion will be made for further study in this project. |
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Incorporating Project Management Techniques in BIM Projects |
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06/2019 |
Ziwei YU Luo Yanfang |
In order to manage a project seamlessly, there is a need to establish effective communication between different departments and identify the risks in the project, determine the affected or influencing stakeholders, provide timely resources and logistics, and manage the available resources to make a framework for project implementation. There are several standards and one of the most recognized standards is the Project Management Knowledge Facility (PMBOK). PMBOK is not just a guideline and a methodology for project management, but also can help projects for professional, targeted and comprehensive management. Building Information Modeling (BIM), a project management methodology has been adopted in recent years to design a project integrated as a 3-D information model, which adds all project information in the various phases of the project to a 3-D information model. For a correct BIM implementation in a project, BIM must be integrated into the overall management of the project and must have a BIM Execution Plan (BEP) adapted to the needs of the client and which in turn is integrated into the project management plan. To review BIM/BEP and project management comprehensively, this research consists of three main stages: (1) select of target database examining both academic and applied publications to analyses the situation between BIM/BEP and PMBOK; (2) conducts two surveys about “BIM/BEP with PMBOK” and “BIM project with Risk Management” to have deep understanding of the industry status; (3)select integration, stakeholder and risk management as specific aspects to analyze, and develop a preliminary framework of process guide for BEP. |
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Risk Management in BIM Projects |
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06/2019 |
CHEUNG Kai Sum Hudson Shane Syen Ee KOK |
Building Information Modeling (BIM) is claimed to be as the future trend of the Architectural, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry and a way to address the issues of AEC. A BIM model can be adopted in different stages of project’s life circle and result in better quality, but less time and cost consumed. Although quality, cost and time are improved by adopting BIM, risk is one of the critical problems in the adoption of BIM. This study is based on conducted surveys and literature research. In this study, risk factors related to BIM adoption were identified and prioritized based on the results of a questionnaire survey distributed to architects, engineering consultants, academics, and construction companies in the AEC industry, followed by a series of discussion on the major risk factors to provide better understanding. The sources were analyzed and used to explain and identify the main risk of BIM related issues. 14 sub-factors of legal risk will be studied and gathered into four big divisions. |
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Integrating BIM and Internet of Things for Building Facility Management and Energy Management |
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06/2019 |
Yaoming HU Bonan Zhang |
This project studies sensor location determination in a complex conference room as a part of Smart HVAC system. It describes the background of HVAC system and how the system can be upgraded as a smart system, automated system, to save energy. The project mainly studies the methodology and uses some factors in IAQ, indoor air quality, to illustrate possible locations for sensor placement. In this project, Autodesk Revit is used to build a BIM model of a conference room. The building of BIM of the room is important since it will reflect the true structural setup of the room. Autodesk CFD is then introduced to run simulations. For CFD simulation, materials and boundary conditions are applied to the model in order to run simulations that can reflect distribution as realistic as possible. In the CFD simulations, some major IAQ factors such as, temperature, air velocity, thermal comfort, CO2, VOC (formaldehyde) and dust (PM 2.5) are predicted in the environment. To analyze the temperature distribution, different numbers of people are introduced to examine the difference of heat distribution due to number of people. Pollutants are examined using assumed values according to average emission values. The goal is not to determine whether or not the room is polluted but the distribution of pollutants inside the room. Eventually, the results of all simulations are collected and analyzed to determine the areas with high density of heat, pollutants where those high concentration areas are the prior locations sensors have to monitor. It is concluded that the simulation of air movement, heat, pollutant distribution, etc. is useful methodology to determine sensor locations. With the sensor placed in correct locations, HVAC system can run with higher efficiency and prevent hazardous environment. |
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BIM-based Daylighting and Energy Analysis on the HKUST Campus |
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06/2019 |
Quazi Samira Rahman |
Building Information Modelling (BIM) based simulation models have been consistently used to automate prolonged building performance modelling processes such as thermal comfort assessment and energy analysis, enabling fast acquisition of results. Recent studies indicate that the demand for sustainable building facilities with minimal environmental impact is growing day by day. BIM is foreseen as a savior in terms of technology to unravel laborious engineering problems in a short span of time and analyse the conditions in a given space comprehensively as well as determine efficiency of built environment. This study presents how building information modelling can be utilized to address thermal comfort and energy efficiency in buildings in the operation phase, greatly contributing to achieving optimized solution. The study primarily deals with multi physical investigation on performance assured by ventilating system in supplying air quality and determining the potentials of comfort improvement and energy savings for the control of ventilation rate by proposing optimized method for relocating supply air duct. The focus of this thesis is limited to IAS lecture theatre at HKUST with respect to current set points for the supply air temperature. |
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Comparative Study on Global BIM Standards |
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06/2019 |
Xiaoyang TANG |
In the recent decade, the Building Information Model (BIM) is developing at an unbelievable high speed worldwide. Just two years ago, China has published its first BIM standard to unify the BIM project process. In this essay, several China BIM standards including GB/T 51269, GB/T 51212 and GB/T 51301 are compared with other released global BIM standards according to its category. Mainly, there are three types of standards in the world, which are the International Framework for Dictionaries (IFD), Information Delivery Manual (IDM) and Industry Foundation Class (IFC). First, two types of standards are focused, which IFD will compare the GB/T 51269 with OmniClass from America, while IDM will compare the GB/T 51212 and GB/T 51301 with CIC BIM standard from Hong Kong, Singapore BIM Guide Version 2 and PAS 1192.2 from the UK. In order to compare these standards with a logic method, CIC BIM standard’s structure is chosen as the example for IDM while IFC follows GB/T. All the sections mentioned in the standards have been compared to summarize the advantages and disadvantages of China BIM standards.
After compared all the standards, it could conclude that the GB/T standards are general information for most sections, which means it is suitable for most types of BIM projects. However, several sections are missing compared with other global BIM standards. For example, one of the most important BIM section called Individual Discipline Modelling is missing in any GB/T standards. Therefore, there is still room for improvement in the future. |
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