
CIC BIM Standards - General (Version 2.1 - 2021), with new templates in Appendix D (只提供英文版本)
This Standards (Version 2.1 – 2021) supersedes the previous publication (Version 2 – December 2020). In 2020, we have reached another milestone for BIM adoption in Hong Kong, embracing ISO 19650. We were glad to see the release of Construction Industry Council (CIC) BIM Standards - General (Version 2 - December 2020) in 2020, which contains major enhancements to align with ISO 19650's Information Management principles, workflows and requirements, also providing Hong Kong 'Local Annex' of ISO 19650-2:2018. Users will find this new version differs substantially when compared to the August 2019 publication. Based on feedback obtained since the release of Version 2 in 2020, together with the release of new templates of information requirements, we are pleased to issue the CIC BIM Standards - General (Version 2.1 - 2021) this year. As at December 2021, the full suite of CIC BIM Standards is as follows: CIC BIM Standards – General (August 2019); (Version 2 - December 2020) and (Version 2.1 - 2021); CIC BIM Standards for Architecture and Structural Engineering (Version 2 - December 2020); and (Version 2.1 - 2021); CIC BIM Standards for Underground Utilities (August 2019); and (Version 2 - 2021); CIC BIM Standards for Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing (August 2019); and (Version 2 - 2021); CIC BIM Standards for Preparation of Statutory Plan Submissions (December 2020); and (Version 1.1 - 2021); CIC Production of BIM Objects Guide – General Requirements (August 2019); and (Version 2 - 2021); CIC BIM Dictionary (December 2020); and (2021); CIC BIM Exchange Information Requirements (EIR) Template (December 2020); and (Version 1.1 - 2021); CIC BIM Special Conditions of Contract (September 2021); CIC BIM Services Agreements (September 2021); and CIC BIM Guide for using BIM in generation of MEP digital drawings for statutory submissions (2021). Different publications of the CIC BIM Standards – General can be outlined as follows: CIC BIM Standards (Phase One) (September 2015) is our first publication. CIC BIM Standards – General (August 2019), is an update of our first publication with the title renamed and minor amendments to the Standards aiming to align the first edition of the CIC BIM Standards for Underground Utilities (August 2019) and CIC BIM Standards for Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing (August 2019). CIC BIM Standards – General (Version 2 – December 2020) is our new edition. Objective is given in the ensuing paragraphs. CIC BIM Standards – General (Version 2.1 – 2021) is an update of the new edition. Objective is given in the ensuing paragraphs. Please refer to the Foreword in the CIC BIM Standards - General (Version 2.1 - 2021) for more details. There are new templates in Appendix D available, including the followings: The Templates provided to aid the Appointing Party / Client in establishing their requirements are: CIC Organisational Information Requirements Template (Appendix D1); CIC Asset Information Requirements Template (Appendix D2); CIC Project Information Requirements Template (Appendix D3) CIC Security Information Requirements Template (Appendix D4); and CIC BIM Exchange Information Requirements (EIR) Template (BIM Specifications) (a separate publication). The Templates provided to aid the industry response to these requirements are: CIC Pre-Appointment Implementation Plan (Appendix D5); CIC Pre-Appointment BIM Execution Plan (Appendix D6); CIC BIM Capability Assessments (Appendix D7); CIC BIM Capability Summary Sheet and Schedule of Software Use (Appendix D8); and CIC Project Member Resume (Appendix D9). A full set in .PDF format with cover page indicating the purpose of the Appendix, and each independent Appendix in editable format. Minor clarifications to the CIC BIM Standards - General (Version 2.1 - 2021) Page 15 - Definition of “GIS”, replace “Graphical Information System” with “Geographic Information System”. Page 97 - Section 3.7.1 - point 10, replace “LOID” with “LOIN”. Page 117 - Figure 31, missing an arrow from the “Shared” state to the “Published” state. Page 159 - Section 5.8.4 - Table 23 - Check Item 4 - Definition, replace “LOD-G” with “LOD-I”. Page 184 - Section LA.3.3, replace the URL for the Agent Responsible Codes with https://www.devb.gov.hk/en/construction_sector_matters/electronic_services/cad_standard/computer_aided_drafting/cad/index.html (只提供英文版本)

CIC BIM Standards - General (Version 2 - December 2020) (只提供英文版本)
There is an updated revision available, titled "CIC BIM Standards - General (Version 2.1 – 2021)", https://www.bim.cic.hk/en/resources/publications_detail/100 This Standards aims to be adopted by architects, engineers, surveyors, contractors and other industry practitioners for the construction industry in Hong Kong. This Standards contains major enhancements to align with ISO 19650’s Information Management principles, workflows and requirements, and also providing Hong Kong Local Annex of ISO 19650-2:2018. Users will find this new version differs substantially when compared to the August 2019 publication. Different publications of the CIC BIM Standards – General can be outlined as follows: CIC BIM Standards (Phase One) (September 2015) is our first publication. CIC BIM Standards – General (August 2019), is an update of our first publication with the title renamed and minor amendments to the Standards aiming to align the first edition of the CIC BIM Standards for Underground Utilities (August 2019) and CIC BIM Standards for Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing (August 2019). CIC BIM Standards – General (Version 2 – December 2020) is our new edition. The objective is given in the ensuing paragraphs. The full suite of CIC BIM standards have been published covering the following specific BIM usages or disciplines separately: CIC BIM Standards – General (August 2019); and (Version 2 - December 2020); CIC BIM Standards for Architecture and Structural Engineering (Version 2 – December 2020); CIC BIM Standards for Underground Utilities (August 2019); CIC BIM Standards for Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing (August 2019); CIC BIM Standards for Preparation of Statutory Plan Submissions (December 2020); CIC Production of BIM Objects Guide – General Requirements (August 2019); and CIC BIM Dictionary (December 2020). There are other CIC BIM documentations under preparation. The CIC has been developing: CIC BIM Exchange Information Requirements (EIR) Template (BIM Specifications); CIC Special Conditions of Contract for BIM for incorporating into existing construction contracts and consultancy agreements for implementing BIM in construction projects; and CIC BIM Services Agreements for procuring BIM services under different contractual relationships. Please refer to the Foreword (2) in the CIC BIM Standards - General (Version 2 - December 2020) for more details. (只提供英文版本)