
The Materials contain 1) Rebar Optimiser; 2) Rebar Revit Generator & Clash Solver; and 3) Rebar BVBS & Drawing Generator. Rebar Optimiser This Rebar Detailing Design Optimization Program Detailer includes four subprograms DetailerC, DetailerB, DetailerS and DetialerW, that assist the users to perform rebar detailing design for columns, beams, slabs and walls using SADS structural analysis results, with the compliance of requirements in Code of Practice for Structural Use of Concrete 2013. Rebar Revit Generator & Clash Solver The Dynamo plugin reads model information from the Revit model and rebar design information from the input spreadsheet. After processing the input of the model and the design, the plugin feeds the geometric information to Revit and generate rebars in the Revit model. Rebar BVBS & Drawing Generator The plugin provides semi-automatic generation of drawing, machine code and schedules. [Note: Before you could officially use the plugin, you have to return a signed Material Transfer Agreement. The Agreement template is included in the download. For detail, please contact bim@cic.hk.]