Webinar on REVlTalisation for Design, Construction and Operations of Pre-world War Buildings (只提供英文版本)





16:00 - 17:00










Public Photos / Files - EDM Banner_REVITalisation


REVlTalisation for Design, Construction and Operations of Pre-world War Buildings
Hong Kong is heading its development towards a smart city by enhancing innovation and technology in our living and business environment. One of the Smart Government's initiatives is to adopt the use of BIM in the building life cycle: Design, Build and Operate. The vision of the URA embraces the concepts of better maintenance and management of building for sustainable development and building a quality city. Therefore, the URA began to adopt BIM in development projects in 2016.

618 Shanghai Street is URA's first project to use BIM as a tool in enhancing design coordination, crashes prevention in construction, quality buildings, and operational efficiency of facilities management (FM). This project has leveraged several BIM technologies across the project life cycle. To improve the operation efficiency, the URA has appointed AECOM to develop a centralized BIM-FM platform on the cloud which integrates the as-built BIM, Building Management System (BMS) data and Internet of Things (IoT) systems that are installed on site. With the latest BIM technologies, it offers a sustainable and expandable solution to achieve better building maintenance and property management for building a quality city.

In this webinar, we are delighted to invite Mr. Donald CHOI, the chairperson of CITAC, and Mr. Eric POON, the Executive Director, Commercial of URA, to give the opening speeches. Mr. Anderson LEUNG, General Manager, Works & Contracts of URA, and Mr. Thomson LAI, Greater China Digital Transformation Lead of AECOM, will present the innovation and technology adopted in this redevelopment project. 

Programme Highlights: 
- Overview of 618 Shanghai Street preservation-revitalisation project -- by Mr. Anderson LEUNG
- Sharing on the latest technologies adopted by Mr. Thomson LAI

  • BIM visualisation for better design integration between the new building design and the existing historic fabric
  • Digital twin for effective communication with the contractor 
  • One centralised solution for operation and maintenance

An electronic copy of the CPD attendance certificate will be issued to the participants after the webinar.

Guest speakers:
Public Photos / Files - speakers (final)

Should you have any inquiries, please contact Ms. Ada LAM at citac@cic.hk / 2100 9833.

Watch Recorded Webinar Video

最后更新: 2021-03-11 11:10:27