院校 | 題目 | 類型 | 日期 | 作者 | 摘要 | 網頁 |
HKUST | Incorporating Project Management Techniques in BIM Projects | Report | 06/2019 | Ziwei YU Luo Yanfang |
In order to manage a project seamlessly, there is a need to establish effective communication between different departments and identify the risks in the project, determine the affected or influencing stakeholders, provide timely resources and logistics, and manage the available resources to make a framework for project implementation. There are several standards and one of the most recognized standards is the Project Management Knowledge Facility (PMBOK). PMBOK is not just a guideline and a methodology for project management, but also can help projects for professional, targeted and comprehensive management. Building Information Modeling (BIM), a project management methodology has been adopted in recent years to design a project integrated as a 3-D information model, which adds all project information in the various phases of the project to a 3-D information model. For a correct BIM implementation in a project, BIM must be integrated into the overall management of the project and must have a BIM Execution Plan (BEP) adapted to the needs of the client and which in turn is integrated into the project management plan. To review BIM/BEP and project management comprehensively, this research consists of three main stages: (1) select of target database examining both academic and applied publications to analyses the situation between BIM/BEP and PMBOK; (2) conducts two surveys about “BIM/BEP with PMBOK” and “BIM project with Risk Management” to have deep understanding of the industry status; (3)select integration, stakeholder and risk management as specific aspects to analyze, and develop a preliminary framework of process guide for BEP. | N.A. |
HKUST | Risk Management in BIM Projects | Report | 06/2019 | CHEUNG Kai Sum Hudson Shane Syen Ee KOK |
Building Information Modeling (BIM) is claimed to be as the future trend of the Architectural, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry and a way to address the issues of AEC. A BIM model can be adopted in different stages of project’s life circle and result in better quality, but less time and cost consumed. Although quality, cost and time are improved by adopting BIM, risk is one of the critical problems in the adoption of BIM. This study is based on conducted surveys and literature research. In this study, risk factors related to BIM adoption were identified and prioritized based on the results of a questionnaire survey distributed to architects, engineering consultants, academics, and construction companies in the AEC industry, followed by a series of discussion on the major risk factors to provide better understanding. The sources were analyzed and used to explain and identify the main risk of BIM related issues. 14 sub-factors of legal risk will be studied and gathered into four big divisions. | N.A. |
HKUST | Integrating BIM and Internet of Things for Building Facility Management and Energy Management | Report | 06/2019 | Yaoming HU Bonan Zhang |
This project studies sensor location determination in a complex conference room as a part of Smart HVAC system. It describes the background of HVAC system and how the system can be upgraded as a smart system, automated system, to save energy. The project mainly studies the methodology and uses some factors in IAQ, indoor air quality, to illustrate possible locations for sensor placement. In this project, Autodesk Revit is used to build a BIM model of a conference room. The building of BIM of the room is important since it will reflect the true structural setup of the room. Autodesk CFD is then introduced to run simulations. For CFD simulation, materials and boundary conditions are applied to the model in order to run simulations that can reflect distribution as realistic as possible. In the CFD simulations, some major IAQ factors such as, temperature, air velocity, thermal comfort, CO2, VOC (formaldehyde) and dust (PM 2.5) are predicted in the environment. To analyze the temperature distribution, different numbers of people are introduced to examine the difference of heat distribution due to number of people. Pollutants are examined using assumed values according to average emission values. The goal is not to determine whether or not the room is polluted but the distribution of pollutants inside the room. Eventually, the results of all simulations are collected and analyzed to determine the areas with high density of heat, pollutants where those high concentration areas are the prior locations sensors have to monitor. It is concluded that the simulation of air movement, heat, pollutant distribution, etc. is useful methodology to determine sensor locations. With the sensor placed in correct locations, HVAC system can run with higher efficiency and prevent hazardous environment. | N.A. |
HKUST | A BIM-based location aware AR collaborative framework for facility maintenance management | Journal | 07/2019 | Chen, K., Chen, W., Li, C.T., and Cheng, J.C.P. | Facility maintenance management (FMM) accounts for a large amount of the total cost of facilities’ lifecycle, illustrating the importance of improving FMM efficiency. Many mechanical facilities, like ventilation ducts above ceilings, are normally hidden, indicating the necessity of applying certain technology that can enable users to visualize and update the information of hidden facilities. Real-time location information is also needed so that users can be aware of their current location and the surrounding facility can be displayed accordingly. Therefore, this paper aims to develop location aware augmented reality (AR) framework for FMM, with building information modeling (BIM) as the data source, AR for the interaction between users and facilities, and Wi-Fi fingerprinting for providing real-time location information. The developed framework has the following features: (1) a proposed softmax-based weighted K nearest neighbour (S-WKNN) algorithm is used for Wi-Fi fingerprinting to obtain the current location of users; (2) a room identification method, based on BIM, the obtained location, and ray casting algorithm, is proposed to identify which room the user is currently in; (3) according to the obtained location and the identified room, users can visualize and interact with their surrounding facilities through the AR devices; and (4) users in a remote location can visualize site situation and interact with site facilities in real time through video streaming and the shared database. At the end of the paper, an experiment was designed to evaluate the effectiveness of the developed system. As shown by the experiment, the developed AR collaborative system can reduce the completion time of the designed task by around 65% compared with traditional 2D drawing-based method, and can provide a localization accuracy of around 1m |
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HKUST | Automatic generation of fabrication drawings for facade mullions and transoms through BIM models | Journal | 07/2019 | Deng, M., Gan, V.J.L., Singh, J., Joneja, A., and Cheng, J.C.P. | Fabrication drawings are essential for manufacturing, design evaluation and inspection of building components, especially for building façade structural components. In order to clearly represent the physical characteristics of the façade structural components, a large number of section views need to be produced, which is very time-consuming and labor intensive. Therefore, automatic generation of fabrication drawings for building façade components (such as mullions and transoms) is of paramount importance. In this paper, attempts have been made to develop an efficient framework in order to automatically generate fabrication drawings for building façade structural components, including mullions and transoms. To represent the complex physical characteristics (such as holes and notches) on mullions and transoms using minimum number of drawing views, a computational algorithm based on graph theory is developed to eliminate duplicated section views. Another methodology regarding the generation of breaks for top views is also proposed to further improve the quality of drawing layouts. The obtained drawing views are then automatically arranged using a developed approach. In addition, primary dimensions of the drawing views focusing on the physical features are also generated. Furthermore, in order to maintain the consistency of drawing formats across multiple drawings, a methodology is proposed to determine the scaling factors of the drawings by using clustering technique. In an illustrative example, the proposed framework is used to generate the fabrication drawings for a typical BIM model containing façade structural components, and saving in time is observed. | 連結 |
HKUST | Parametric modeling and evolutionary optimization for cost-optimal and low-carbon design of high-rise reinforced concrete buildings | Journal | 07/2019 | Gan, V.J.L., Wong, C.L., Tse, K.T., Cheng, J.C.P., Lo, I.M.C., and Chan, C.M. | Design optimization of reinforced concrete structures helps reducing the global carbon emissions and the construction cost in buildings. Previous studies mainly targeted at the optimization of individual structural elements in low-rise buildings. High-rise reinforced concrete buildings have complicated structural designs and consume tremendous amounts of resources, but the corresponding optimization techniques were not fully explored in literature. Furthermore, the relationship between the optimization of individual structural elements and the topological arrangement of the entire structure is highly interactive, which calls for new optimization methods. Therefore, this study aims to develop a novel optimization approach for cost-optimal and low-carbon design of high-rise reinforced concrete structures, considering both the structural topology and individual element optimizations. Parametric modelling is applied to define the relationship between individual structural members and the behavior of the entire building structure. A novel evolutionary optimization technique using the genetic algorithm is proposed to optimize concrete building structures, by first establishing the optimal structural topology and then optimizing individual member sizes. In an illustrative example, a high-rise reinforced concrete building is used to examine the proposed optimization approach, which can systematically explore alternative structural designs and identify the optimal solution. It is shown that the carbon emissions and material cost are both reduced by 18–24% after performing optimization. The proposed approach can be extended to optimize other types of buildings (such as steel framework) with a similar problem nature, thereby improving the cost efficiency and environmental sustainability of the built environment. | 連結 |