C&A Event_BIM Portal

CIC Webinar on BIMCAS: How to become a CCBC(A) and a CCBC? (只提供英文版本)

11/09/2024 | 15:30 - 17:00

After the launch of the Certification of BIM Managers (CCBM) and Certification of BIM Coordinators (CCBC) under the CIC BIM Certification and Accreditation Schemes (the Schemes) in 2019 and 2020 respectively, the Construction Industry Council (CIC) has certified 674 CCBMs and 839 CCBCs as of 31 July 2024. There are currently 324 CIC-Certified BIM Coordinator (Associate), CCBC(A), registered under the Schemes. Interested BIM practitioners are highly encouraged to submit applications as soon as possible as the application deadline of CCBC(A) will be expired by 21 March 2025. In this webinar, CIC has invited two BIM practitioners who are CCBCs to share their first-hand experience. They will highlight some tips in preparing for the application for CCBC(A) and CCBC and how does the CCBC status help them in their career. You are cordially invited to attend the webinar to prepare for certification under the Schemes. Webinar Highlights The Latest Updates of the BIM Certification and Accreditation Schemes (BIMCAS) How to become a CCBC(A) and a CCBCC? Speakers:- Mr. Sunny CHOI, Manager – Industry Development, Construction Industry Council - Miss Nancy WONG, BIM Engineer, isBIM Limited - Mr. Andrew CHOW, Project BIM Manager, Dragages Hong Kong Limited An electronic copy of CPD attendance certificate will be issued to participants with over 80% attendance within one month after the live webinar. Any attendance on replay sessions after webinar will not be considered for CPD attendance certificate. Should you have any queries, please contact Ms. FUNG (email: bimcas@cic.hk; tel: 2100 9069).
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安全智慧工地系統系列 - 與密閉空間工作相關安全方案

28/08/2024 | 15:30 - 16:30

建造業議會網上研討會旨在向各持分者推廣最新與建築信息模擬相關的解決方案。我們在每次都會有不同的題材去將特定範疇最新與建造數碼化相關的解決方案介紹予各持分者,而是次網上研討會以安全智慧工地系統為主題。 我們很高興邀獲亞太工業安全設備的參與。 網上研討會內容 (由供應商提供): 近年,香港不幸發生多宗與密閉空間工作相關的工業意外,勞工處亦於近期修改《密閉空間工作的安全與健康工作守則》。 講者為大家介紹,最新推出了一系列與密閉空間工作相關的安全用品,並提供完善監測、記錄系統及網絡,讓智慧工地概念,於密閉空間工作裏實踐。 講者:亞太工業安全設備銷售主管劉先生 如有查詢,請與李小姐聯絡 (電郵: dthub@cic.hk) 。 在直播時段出席率達80%以上的參加者將會在網上研討會結束後一個月內收到電子出席證書。任何重溫時段的出席率將不會計算在內。 重播影片現在只供i-Club會員觀看,請按此處加入i-Club。
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Webinar on Digital Twin Leaders Summit (只提供英文版本)

27/08/2024 | 14:30 - 17:00

Join us and stay ahead of the curve with digital twin leaders. In this webinar, it is honor to have Ir Prof. Thomas HO, Chairman of Construction Indunstry Council and nine digital twin leaders to sharing their insights on digital twin, project experience and the future of digital twin technology. The line-up of this summit provides audiences with the opportunity to learn from our expert speakers who have successfully implemented digital twin technology in various domains. Remarks: An electronic copy of CPD attendance certificate will be issued to participants with over 80% attendance within one month after the live webinar. Any attendance on replay sessions after webinar will not be considered for CPD attendance certificate. Replay video is now exclusive for i-Club members, please click here to join i-Club. Should you have any inquiries, please contact Ms. LI at dthub@cic.hk .

CIC x Cyberport InnoConstruct Talk (只提供英文版本)

20/08/2024 | 14:30 - 16:15

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14/08/2024 | 15:30 - 16:30

建造業議會自2019年起每年舉辦「建造業議會建築信息模擬比賽」,是加強新一代對建築信息模擬的認識及發掘潛力的機會,亦是同學展示技能的一個平台。今年踏入第六屆,「建造業議會建築信息模擬比賽2024」旨在挑戰參賽者如何運用創意設計建造業議會創新學院及應用建築信息模擬技術方面的創新能力。 今年的第六屆建築信息模擬比賽,並已經於6月圓滿結束。是次分享會邀請了得獎隊伍分享在建築信息模擬比賽中所面對的難題,以及他們的比賽心得。 分享隊伍: Champion Team: Polyers 學院:香港理工大學 1st Runner-up: Hong Kong Metropolitan University 學院:香港都會大學 2nd Runner-up: BIM BIM 有力 學院:香港珠海學院及香港理工大學 2nd Runner-up: Huenoflora 學院:香港城市大學 備註:在直播時段出席率達80%以上的參加者將會在網上研討會結束後一個月內收到電子出席證書。任何重溫時段的出席率將不會計算在內。 重播影片現在只供i-Club會員觀看,請按此處加入i-Club。 如有查詢,請與李小姐聯絡 (電郵: bim@cic.hk; 電話: 3199 7274) 。
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議會網上研討會CD Talks:2023香港建造業CDE-綜合數碼共用平台大獎 - 機構類別優勝者分享

02/08/2024 | 15:00 – 16:00

CD Talks (Construction Digitalisation Talk)是一個全新的網絡研討會系列,旨在匯聚具有遠見的行業專家、思想領袖和具有前瞻性的實踐者,探討和分享他們將數碼化應用於建築項目的經驗。CD Talks將深入探討建築數碼化的最新趨勢、最佳實踐和成功案例。 今年的主題將是「2023香港建造業CDE-綜合數碼共用平台大獎 - 機構類別得獎者分享」。 主題及講者: 備註:在直播時段出席率達80%以上的參加者將會在網上研討會結束後一個月內收到電子出席證書。任何重溫時段的出席率將不會計算在內。 重播影片現在只供i-Club會員觀看,請按此處加入i-Club。 如有查詢,請與蔡小姐(電郵: bim@cic.hk ; 電話: 2100 9034)聯絡。