
项目业主高峰会:建筑信息模拟的实施策略发展报告 – 政府机构篇 (只提供英文版本) (2015年11月)
This report begins with a summary of eighteen (18) selected recommendations resulting from a 2-day Project Clients Summit focused BIM organised and facilitated through collaboration of Construction Industry Council (CIC), SBI.bimSCORE, and Centre for Integrated Facility Engineering (CIFE), Stanford University in September 2014, plus information gathered during preliminary interviews and suverys.

项目业主高峰会:建筑信息模拟的实施策略发展报告 – 私人机构篇 (只提供英文版本) (2015年11月)
This report begins with a summary of eighteen (18) selected recommendations resulting from a 2-day Project Clients Summit focused BIM organised and facilitated through collaboration of Construction Industry Council (CIC), SBI.bimSCORE, and Centre for Integrated Facility Engineering (CIFE), Stanford University in September 2014, plus information gathered during preliminary interviews and suverys.