CIC Webinar on BIM Talks: Celebration of BIM Achievement - BIM Projects 2020 Winners’ Sharing


16 Mar 2021 (Tue)









All sessions will be conducted in Cantonese unless otherwise specified.



Free of Charge




The Construction Industry Council (CIC)'s goal of organising BIM Talks is to bring together bright minds to give talks that are related to the successful implementation of BIM in real life, and on a wide range of topics to accelerate BIM adoption. BIM experts of different background from the industry will be invited to share their "how-to-BIM" experience in BIM Talks.

Self Photos / Files - BIM Talk Guest Speaker_20210316-01


An electronic copy of CPD attendance certificate will be issued to participants with over 80% attendance within one month after the live webinar. Any attendance on replay sessions after webinar will not be considered for CPD attendance certificate.


Watch Recorded Webinar Video


Should you have any inquiries, please contact Ms. WONG at / 2100 9034.

Last Update: 2021-04-08 09:39:52